Surviving 2 Toddlers
As a mother of 2 toddlers, life can get chaotic and overwhelming. It seems like the minute you get one child settled, the other suddenly needs your attention. But despite the craziness, it's also incredibly rewarding to watch your children grow and learn. Here are some tips and tricks I've discovered along the way to make life a bit easier.


Embrace the Chaos

The first step to surviving two toddlers is to embrace the chaos. Accept that there will be days when you can't keep up with the mess and that's okay. Toddlers are messy, and there's no avoiding that. Instead, focus on spending quality time with your children and making memories.

Create a Routine

While toddlers thrive on routine, every family has a different rhythm. Create a daily routine that works for your family and stick to it as much as possible. It will help you stay organized and will also provide your children with a sense of consistency, which can help them feel more secure.

Get Out of the House

Toddlers have an abundance of energy, and keeping them cooped up in the house all day will only make things worse. Make a point to get out of the house every day, whether it's a trip to the park, a walk around the neighborhood, or a visit to a nearby museum. Not only will it help your children burn off some energy, but it will also give them new experiences and opportunities to learn.

Let Them Help

It's easy to get frustrated when your toddler insists on helping with everything, but allowing them to help can actually be beneficial. It will give them a sense of accomplishment and will also make them feel included in household tasks. Yes, it may take longer to fold the laundry or sweep the floor, but the quality time spent with your child is priceless.

Take Time for Yourself

While being a mom is a full-time job, it's important to take time for yourself. Whether it's a date night with your partner or a solo trip to the grocery store, taking a little break will help you recharge your batteries and be a better mom to your children.

Being a mother of 2 toddlers is no easy feat - daily I'm overwhelmed. The look on my little mans face when he's finally asleep is priceless though, makes me smile everyday. As a bonus, he's asleep so I finally get 5 minutes to myself before cleaning up for the day!

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